Monday, October 23, 2006

Uncle Chuck's (100 miles east of Montreal)

After visiting Montreal, I drove about 100 miles east, near the town of Sherbrooke, to visit an Uncle that I haven't seen in 26 years. Chuck lives with his wife, Cathy, and they have two children, Mary (24) and Virginia (27) who live nearby. I stayed with them for 6 days, two of which I helped Chuck install a sink and plumbing into Virginia's apartment. Apparently, Chuck and I share the same interest in home repair.

Here are some shots of Chuck's place:

Chuck's house

Chuck's chicken. Actually, he has one rooster (pictured) and several hens that lay eggs every day.

Cathy, Chuck, and I went for a day sightseeing. We checked out some of the surrounding area and even drove into Vermont briefly toward the end of the day. Here are the pics:

A nice country view.

Lots of scenic views.

Some daisies on a mid-October day.

An old monestary.

How beautiful is this?

In shot of the day!

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