Friday, April 06, 2007

Sonora Cave, West Texas

After leaving New Orleans, I pretty much just made a B-line across the south, passing through Houston and San Antonio without checking those places out. You would not believe how big Texas is! It seemed endless. As I got towards the western part of Texas, it because just miles and miles of open prairie, not even small towns to be seen! You know you're in a desolate area when the speed limit is:
I don't think I've ever seen such a speed limit!
Anyway, one stop I did make was at a little place called Sonora Cave. It looked like a tourist trap from the billboards along the highway, but I needed a place to stay the night, and they had a little campground right on the premises. I saw many, many deer as evening approached right there in the campground. There were even two beautiful peacocks strutting around:
The next morning, I walked over to see the cave. I was the only one on the tour! I wasn't expecting much from this cave, but it was one of the more beautiful ones that I've seen. Just a lot of different formations, and lots of colors, too. Here are just a few shots...more on my photosite.

After viewing the cave, I continued on towards Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico...

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